Wednesday, November 25, 2015

India Gate to go orange for 'Orange the World' campaign

In order to draw attention to women through International Day of Elimination of Violence against Women, the iconic India Gate in Delhi would be lit up in orange - as part of a global 'Orange the World' campaign. The event was organized by UN Women Indian along with UNFPA India, UNDP and UN in India as part of the United Nations' global campaign. This will go on till December 10 which has been designated as the UN's Human Rights Day.
This has been reported in dated 26 November 2015.
Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan, while inaugurating the event, has said that addressing the issue of woman empowerment should be the topmost priority right now.
The campaign had begun in 1991 and has witnessed participation across 17 countries with landmarks such as the Sphinx in Egypt and the Empire State Building in New York lit up in orange in solidarity.
The event addressed issues common to the weaker sex like eve-teasing, dowry, acid attacks, child marriage, compulsory education for girl child and physical violence among others.
Discrimination and violence against women often starts even before their birth and the 'Beti Bachao' campaign of the government has brought the issue in the public forum.

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