Monday, December 8, 2014

Art of living – some views

All of us want to live meaningful lives and want to leave behind something that would be cherished by those our family and friends and, how we go about this difficult task is, basically, my concept of the art of living. One step towards this end is to be careful of the fact that as you sow, so shall you reap.
It is a scientific fact that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Obviously, the reactions of your actions would come back to haunt. Therefore, it is important that you weigh your words carefully before uttering them.
Simultaneously do not get yourself into a corner by your miscalculated moves. Remember – the spoken words are like the arrows that have been shot from the bow: they will never come back and the actions you take in haste could be the nails in your coffin.
Another idea of meaningful living is to praise in public and criticize in private.
This is a management policy and is valid even in our own day-to-day lives. In the house, it is the children – they always want to please you because they want to see happy parents around them. When they do not bring good results, which must never be brought out in kitty parties or in gatherings where there are others. Criticize the kids in the privacy of your rooms.
Yet another clue to good living is to never dwell on the past failures – always have King Bruce before you. He was the best example of the never-say-die attitude which is important for leading a good life. No one can be hundred percent successful, failures will be there and one has to learn to take lessons from failures to build the road to success. Respect is another point to be noted for good living, society consists of people from different strata and each of them deserves respect for whatever he or she is doing. Whether he is a menial laborer or an office clerk, he is doing something that will help you and me to live better. Therefore, give respect, get respect.
For better living, it is always advisable to live within your means. Desire is there in all of us and, once you have overcome the desire part, you will discover that all of sadden you are relieved of all sorts of tension and worries. The advice is cut your coat according to your cloth.
And finally, two parting shots - waste not, want not and, lastly, live and let live.

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