Monday, December 8, 2014

Russia set up its spy Anna Chapman to seduce NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden

Both Anna Chapman and Edward Snowden are famous in their own separate ways. It has been reported that a defector has revealed that Anna Chapman, the 32-year-old Russian spy had been given orders by her Russian spy bosses to seduce Edward Snowden.
The source, a former KGB major Boris Karpichkov, has revealed that Snowden would have obtained the right to stay on in Russia with a Russian citizenship in case he had fallen for her. That would have been what the Russians wanted because, once a Russian citizen, he would ned permission to move out.
It seems Chapman and Snowden had met just once and Chapman had even proposed marriage to Snowden on the orders of Russian-intelligence high command but the plan did not succeed.
Anna was a Russian spy, Snowden was the US man who blew the secrets of the NSA and then fled to Russia to seek asylum. He is at present staying in secret location in Russia and has no direct contact with the outside world. He has to keep a low profile because America is gunning for him – they consider him as a traitor.
Anna Chapman has had a checkered career. She is the daughter of an intelligence officer and was initially based in London from where she moved to New York in 2009. While in the US, she along with 9 others were betrayed by a Russian agent who fled to the US. She was accused of spying on the US in the guise of an internet property business that she was conducting from there.
Subsequently, there was a swap and all 10 were deported – it was, in fact, the biggest exchange of spies since the end of the Cold War. In 2010, Anna was stripped of the British citizenship that she had acquired after marrying a Briton, whom she divorced in 2006.

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