Monday, December 8, 2014

Trigger happy Cleveland cop shoots a 12-year-old black boy carrying a toy gun

A policeman in Cleveland shot and killed Tamir Rice, a black 12-year-old boy who was carrying a pellet gun and was in a playground. This is another example of the growing black-white divide that is being seen in the US recently. Samaria Rice, his mother, has said that a friend had given her son the airsoft gun, which shot nonlethal plastic pellets. As recorded in the surveillance video, the boy was shot within two seconds of a patrol car stopping near him. In the opinion of the police, the gun resembled the real stuff.
It is now apparent that the police in America have become trigger happy and probably get frightened at the sight of kids carrying toy guns and playing cops and robbers.
The mother of this kid wants the policeman to be convicted for killing her son who was shot twice in the stomach. The brutality of the police is evident from the fact that she found her 14-year-old daughter crying inside the same police car that had arrived at the scene. The girl had told her mother that she had been tackled and handcuffed by police officers after she became upset because her brother had been shot.
The shooting of 28-year-old Akai Gurley in Brooklyn, the shooting of 18-year-old black teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson on 9 August and the shooting of Eric Garner, a father of six, who was killed in July in a chokehold by the New York police are examples of recent incidents of the killing of blacks by white policemen.

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