Friday, March 27, 2015

West Bengal wanted CBI enquiry into Ranaghat nun rape case – center says ‘sorry’

#ranaghat #westbengal #nunrape #CID #CBI The gang rape of a 71-year-old nun of a convent in Ranaghat by a gang of miscreants and the inability of the local police or CID to apprehend the culprits even though CCTV footage showed the faces of the rapists was an embarrassment for the West Bengal government. This gave rise to a situation when the state asked the CBI to step in.
But, the center has said ‘sorry’ as reported in dated 28 March 2015.
This has come as a shock to the state government of Mamata Banerjee. Till now, she had opposed any move to involve the CBI in crimes that were committed in her state even though there was a clamor to hand over the cases to the central agency.
But, this was a different kettle of fish for her. Observers feel that she wanted to wash of her responsibility by transferring the case to a central agency. Thereby, the blame for delays would not be assignable to her government. From the ‘sorry’ of the center, it is obvious that the center has seen through her game plan.
The reasons given for the refusal is that since the CID has succeeded in arresting two of the culprits, albeit late in the day, they could arrest the others as well.

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  1. thank you for your support!
    you are a true friend

  2. the pleasure is mine ... we are friends from the AV days ...
