Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Taxi cabs to go off the roads of Kolkata for 2 days

Anyone planning to visit Kolkata should know that all taxicabs would be off the roads for 2 days - this means nearly 20,000 taxis would be missing for 48 hours starting 6am on Thursday. This is to protest the refusal of the state government to raise taxi fares and rein in aggregators like Uber and Ola.
This has been reported in dated 3 December 2015.
The Citu-backed West Bengal Taxi Workers' Union has joined hands with the Bengal Taxi Association (BTA) and two other taxi unions to call the strike. Due to this strike, commuters would be forced to depend on taxi aggregators, illegal shuttle cabs and autorickshaws. Incidentally, the growing popularity of app-based cabs and their exponential growth has prompted the strike call.
As per industry estimates, nearly 15,000-18,000 taxis are affiliated to the BTA.
Taxi aggregators have cautioned that due to the strike, the waiting time could go up on Thursday and Friday because demand would outstrip supply. Moreover, the spike in demand would, simultaneously, push up the Uber and Ola fares. It has happened in the past.

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