Thursday, December 3, 2015

Curlews and puffins gradually joining the list of vanishing birds

#extinct #nightingale #puffin #threat Birds in the UK are under treat of extinction - more than a quarter of bird species like puffins, nightingales and curlews have got added to the at-risk list or 'Red List' for the first time. Statistically, some 67 of Britain’s 244 bird species including the turtle dove, cuckoo and starling, are now on the ‘Red List’. This means that they are judged to be ‘of highest conservation concern’. This is an increase from the 52 species - 21 per cent of the total - that had been under threat in 2009.
This has been reported in dated 3 December 2015.
The reasons for including these birds in the Red List is because either their numbers or range in the UK has halved, or they are under threat of going extinct globally.
Curlews are considered to be of greatest concern. They are Europe’s largest wading birds, identified by their long downcurved bill, brown plumage, long spindly legs and plaintive call of ‘coor-lee, coor-lee’. They are one of five new upland species on the Red List and have been joined by the dotterel, whinchat, grey wagtail and merlin.
Latest additions to the Red List are the nightingale, a species known for its expressive song, pied flycatcher, a bird mainly found in the West of the UK, and woodcock.
Three species of seabird have entered the Red List for the first time. The puffin – known for its brightly colored bill – has suffered a huge fall in numbers worldwide putting it at risk of global extinction. Its decline has been blamed on declines in the fish it feeds on in the Arctic.

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