Thursday, April 16, 2015

Lunch box of Brits devoid of variety – office goers prefer sandwiches every day

#lunchbox #sandwiches #Lurpak #officeworkers A study has found that in Britain, nearly one third of office goers have got accustomed to having a lunch that lacks variety and lacks ingenuity – the study has discovered that the usual fare is sandwiches. The top three favorites are cheese, ham and chicken sandwiches.
This has been reported in dated 16 April 2015.
The study was carried out by Lurpak and half of the 2,000 employees polled gave the feedback that they were bored by lunch and took an average break of 35 minutes. The food remained the same because it was convenient and they had got used to the routine.
Moreover, the study has also revealed that the general concept of lunchtime being a break people look forward to has gone. Today, the traditional lunch hour has become a thing of the past because the Brits take just 35 minutes on average for their break.
Other interesting revelations are office workers spend an average of £13 a week on lunch, they prefer brown to white bread on sandwiches, and usually go in for crisps with their meal. As to the most popular lunches revealed that jacket potato, sushi and curry were not likely to feature in the lunchbox of an office worker.

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