Saturday, January 10, 2015

Research has shown that we lose weight on weekdays

#weightloss #fitnessfreaks Nowadays research is conducted on every conceivable subject under the sun, probably for people to keep themselves engaged in some sort of activity or the other. Most of research is done under the banner of some University and one wonders on the modalities and norms of electing the topics.
Like this research, the subject for which was ‘which day or days of the week do people lose more weight’ – fitness freaks would love such studies. The study involved 80 adults in the age group of 25 to 62 and categorized in three categories based on relative weight changes - weight losers, weight gainers and weight maintainers.
The study found that slim people lose more weight during the weekdays. The reason as revealed by Brian Wansink from Cornell University was that on weekends, people have more time to go out and eat. There is no harm in such indulgence but to have successful weight loss, it is important to notice these rhythms and take suitable steps to reverse the upward trends after the weekend.
In order to analyze the pattern of weight loss, the individuals were asked to weigh themselves after waking up before breakfast with the objective of observing whether weight fluctuation is dependent on the days of the week.
The weekly weight patterns were analyzed across the three categories and the results brought out a distinct pattern in weekly weight fluctuation – it showed higher weight after weekends and decreasing weight during the weekdays which reached the lowest point on Friday.
This unique study was conducted in collaboration with researchers from the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and Tampere University of Technology.

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