Saturday, January 10, 2015

10-year-old girl suicide bomber kills 19 in a Maiduguri market in Nigeria

#BokoHaram #suicidebomber #Maiduguri It was an incident of innocent girls being used as suicide bombers by militant groups. In seems a 10-year-old girl suicide bomber blew herself up in a crowded market in northern Nigeria, killing at least 19 people.
The incident happened in a market in Maiduguri, the capital of Borno state. It was packed with shoppers and traders when the attack happened at around noon time when the girl was being searched at the entrance to the market.
In the opinion of Civilian vigilante Ashiru Mustapha, the girl was hardly 10 years old and was probably not even aware of what was strapped to her body. It was an example of innocents being exploited due to their ignorance.
No group has claimed responsibility for the suicide blast, but finger of suspicion point to Boko Haram who often carries out attacks in the area and has increasingly used women and young girls as human bombs. Their demand is for a hardline Islamic state.

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