Wednesday, January 14, 2015

CNN to add new dimension to news gathering by deploying aerial drones

#newsgathering #CNN #drones #FAA CNN is, reportedly, passing through a bad phase and with 2014 being labeled as the least-watched year since 1996, it is embarking on an ambitious mission of new gathering by deploying aerial drones to capture the news.
It seems the Time Warner-owned company has become a part of a small but slowly expanding group of media and entertainment companies who have got the green light from the US government to start testing unmanned aerial vehicles in its news-gathering and other productions.
As explained by CNN’s senior vice-president, David Vigilante, his network wanted to go beyond hobby-grade equipment and look towards establishment of possible options available and workable in order to produce high-quality video journalism. Use would be made of different types of UAVs and camera setups to deliver the goods.
FAA has said that it recognized the fact that “unmanned aircraft offer news organizations significant opportunities.” Incidentally, BBC has already started to work with drones and CNN’s entry into the world of airborne cameras is late as compared to some of its worldwide competitors. BBC has a full-fledged and trained team of drone operators – the teams include pilots who have got trained for six months to acquire special licenses from the UK’s Civil Aviation Authority.
Obviously, drones for news gathering is here to stay.

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