Sunday, December 7, 2014

The black-white divide in the US grows - another black shot dead in Brooklyn

It is now another black 28-year-old Akai Gurley, who was shot dead by the police when they opened fire in an apartment building in Brooklyn.
Akai Gurley has a two-year-old daughter.
Protesters took to the streets and engaged in violence with the police in which several persons, including policemen, were injured and vehicles were damaged. The protesters hurled bricks, rocks and pipes at the police, who fired tear gas and smoke canisters to quell the crowds.
In the melee, a number of officers were injured and buildings and cars were vandalized or looted.
The shooting of Akai Gurley comes after the shooting of 18-year-old black teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson on 9 August and the shooting of Eric Garner, a father of six, who was killed in July in a chokehold by the New York police. Neither of the involved policemen have been indicted by the Grand Jury.
Earlier, another unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin had been shot and killed by a neighborhood watch volunteer, a white officer, in Sanford, Florida in 2012 and, in that case also, the killer was released by the court.

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