Saturday, December 6, 2014

Men who eat under blue light will never overeat

Another study, another revelation – the latest on food habits to curb overeating is to eat food under a blue light. For the men, such an environment is not conducive to eating because it makes the food appear unpleasant and, thus, checks the urge to overeat.
The study claims that the men who eat food illuminated by blue light become subconsciously suspicious of it because of its unnatural color – the reaction is to quell overeating without reducing their enjoyment of the meal. The women, on the other hand, are not affected by the lighting - researchers claim that this is due to their superior reliance on smell when assessing food and not color.
The study was carried out by University of Arkansas research team, led by Han-Seok Seo – in his opinion, since naturally blue colored foods are rare, humans may have a doubt as to whether (such foods) are safe to eat.
The results of the study that involved 112 people who were asked to eat the same meals under different colored lights have been published in the latest edition of the journal Appetite.

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