Saturday, December 6, 2014

How many of us can boast of having sound sleep?

Sleep is the stimulant that everyone needs to go on living – we have heard of politicians and leaders who boast of sleeping for hardly four hours. The norms, however, are that one must sleep for at least six hours in order to rev up the body to tackle the challenges of another new day.
In today’s fast-paced society, six or seven hours of sleep may sound pretty good.
The question is – how to get a sound sleep? The ‘counting sheep jumping over a fence’ is outdated and people tend to go in for those wonderful pills that guarantee sleep. Pills have evolved to meet any situation from removing headaches to preventing pregnancy to abortion.
But – where sound sleep is concerned, one should not depend on pills but control the body functions so that it goes to sleep by default.
A few useful tricks to get a good night’s sleep are to always think about the good things in the day just gone by, or about the good things that have happened to you in the past or the good things that you have done.
Never dwell on past failures of losses because they will rob you of your much needed sleep.
Another tip is to have for dinner just what would be ugh – do not best no matter how attractive or delicious the menu may be. Remember that there is always another day – if you live to see it.

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