Friday, December 5, 2014

Obesity is bad – we could lose up to eight years of our life because of this

Obesity is a word on everyone’s lips and all those who are obese try to find out how to lose weight and get rid of that unwanted tag. No one wants to become the center of attention in a crowd and airlines frown upon the obese – some airline have travel restrictions for this category of people.
A new report paints a terrible picture – it seems being severely obese can knock up to eight years off your life and cause decades of ill health. The analysis showed that being obese at a young age was more damaging to health and life expectancy.
The report is of a team of McGill University in Canada, and they have found that heart problems and type 2 diabetes were major sources of disability and death.
The report in the Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology had made use of a computer model to take various types of risks and calculate the impact of weight on life expectancy throughout life. It was revealed that in comparison with 20 to 39-year-olds with a healthy weight, severely obese men of the same age lost 8.4 years of life and women lost 6.1. Moreover, the men also spent 18.8 more years living in poor health while women spent 19.1 in that state.
In the age group of forties and fifties, the men lost 3.7 years and women 5.3 years to obesity while in the age group of 60s and 70s, men and women lost just one year of life to obesity – however, they had to face seven years of ill health.

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