This has been reported in dated 6 March 2015.
The estimated numbers have been compiled in order to provide an up-to-date idea of the migrant populations across England and comes in advance before the official estimates are released by the Office for National Statistics which is due in June.
It seems London is the city which has absorbed most of the new migrants – its population has increased by nearly 200,000 as compared to figures of 2011. Other areas are increase of 79,000 in the rest of the South East while the North East has recorded rise of 26,000 migrants who have chosen to relocate there.
In the opinion of Madeleine Sumption, Director of the Migration Observatory, the aim of the exercise was to provide an insight ahead of the General Election because immigration is a major problem that is being faced.
Incidentally, Prime Minister David Cameron had said at the beginning of his tenure as premier that he would like to reduce the net number to "tens of thousands".
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