Monday, January 12, 2015

Paris to send more guards to Jewish institutions to fight terrorism

#CharlieHebdo #Hollande #terrorism #gendarmes It appears to be a case of locking the stable after the horses have fled and, that is what France is planning to do after the terror attack in Paris offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. France would deploy 10,000 troops around the country in order to augment security would be dispatching nearly 5,000 police to protect Jewish sites.
It is, simultaneously, stepping the search for an individual who is believed to be an accomplice to the attackers who killed 17 people last week.
The defense minister of France, Jean-Yves Le Drian, has indicated that the deployment was of troops who would guard potentially vulnerable locations. He made these comments after a national security crisis meeting.
The deployment would be of 700 police officers at the 717 Jewish schools across the country apart from nearly 4,100 gendarmes. It may be recalled that four captives had been killed in the hostage-taking at a Jewish supermarket in Paris.
The French president, François Hollande who chaired the national security crisis meeting, including prime minister, Manuel Valls apart from the heads of police and the security services. It transpires that all efforts would be made to protect Jewish institutions. Parents of a Jewish school to the south of Paris have been assured of soldiers that would be posted as reinforcements.

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