Monday, January 12, 2015

AirAsia flight QZ8501 – one black box recovered, second box located

#AirAsia #QZ8501 #BoeingAirbus #flightdatarecorder The latest news about AirAsia flight QZ8501 is that sixteen days after the Boeing Airbus-A320 crashed in the Java Sea, Indonesian Navy divers have successfully retrieved one of the black boxes of the crashed plane.
The second black box or cockpit voice recorder has also been located inside the wreckage and efforts are on to retrieve this also – it is still stuck in the plane debris.
These orange colored flight data recorder or cockpit voice recorder would come as a major breakthrough in the multinational search in which the teams had to, at times, weather the rough seas and zero visibility – the orange colored black box is believed to be holding vital clues about the last moments before the plane's crash.
The flight had 162 people on board and, so far, only 48 bodies have been recovered, at least two of them still strapped to seat belts. Majority of passengers we Indonesians. The ill-fated Flight QZ8501 had gone off the radars just after 42 minutes after taking off of taking off and was on a trip to Singapore from Surabaya.
The pilot of the Airbus had made a request to climb to 38,000 feet to avoid stormy clouds but permission was not granted because there was another plane in that route.

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