Tuesday, January 13, 2015

EU sounds the alarm bell – 5000 terrorists could return home

#CharlieHebdo #Europol #RobWainwright Young Muslims from European countries had gone to Syria to fight alongside terrorists there and, while many of them would never return because they are dead, nearly 5000 of them are expected to return home and put to practice what they have learnt.
These individuals would return with experience of terrorist activities and would be potential threats wherever they go. That is the warning issued by the director of Europol. These nationals belonging to European Union have traveled overseas and could pose a threat to their home countries if they returned.
The European Union law enforcement agency has already collected the names of 2,500 suspects from agencies across the EU. It may be recalled that one of the two brothers who carried out the massacre at the offices of Charlie Hebdo, had travelled to Yemen for terrorist training. He had also recruited others to fight in Iraq and the brothers claimed allegiance to Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.
As Rob Wainwright, Director of Europol has indicated - it was a group of mostly young men who have the potential to carry out attacks like those carried out in Paris. In fact, Europe is now faced its biggest threat since New York's Twin Towers were destroyed and internet companies could help out and tackle extremist activity online. The social media has now become not just a recruitment tool but also a propaganda tool.

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