Friday, January 9, 2015

A Pakistani man killed five of his children to gain magical powers

#blackmagic #alchemy #spiritualjourney 40-year-old Ali Nawaz Leghari was not a rich man but, he wanted to gain magical powers to turn anything into gold or silver and also to gain immortality. He, therefore, strangled five of his children aged between three and thirteen and, later fled.
The gory incident happened in a village in Sindh province 140 miles north of Karachi and the children were two girls and three boys. He first sedated them and then strangled them with a rope which has been recovered.
It seems the man had first tried to poison the family's dinner but was seen by his wife who quarreled and left the house with their oldest son to go and stay with her parents.
The man believed that the sacrifice would endow him with magical powers including alchemy - the ability to turn ordinary metals into silver or gold, or the possibility of eternal youth. He was learning black magic and, in the opinion of the police, he might have made the sacrifice to excel in the craft.
The killings had apparently taken place while Leghari was on a 40-day spiritual journey, known as a "chilla" that had been suggested to him by a pir (living saint).

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