Sunday, December 7, 2014

Will someone start the ‘Bald Day’ in honor of the bald?

We have identified days of the year for women, children, heart, diabetes and innumerable other such groups but has anyone ever considered identifying a day to honor the bald? There are 365 days in a year and many slots are still vacant – so, one of these can be decided upon. It could be the birthday of a famous baldy.
Everyone does not go bald – some do. And, those who have this unique distinction are treated with respect because, a general belief exists that loss of hair is directly related to increase in intelligence.
The bald one stands out in a crowd. When there is a dispute and, if a bald person happens to be around, people look up to him for advice and guidance. It is an accepted fact of life that bald pates make for bold personalities. Most of our teachers and professors were bald – they never had to worry about dandruff or falling hair or haircuts.
Film stars also love baldness; some of them intentionally shave their heads as required by the script of a particular movie and, even after the movie is released continues to remain bald because he discovers hidden charms in maintaining status-quo.
Remember Yul Brynner and his ‘Mutiny on the Bounty’? And, the cricketing fraternity has its share – our ex wicket keeper Syed Kirmani.
In spite of so much in favor of baldness, we are encouraged to grow hair – the lives of a whole range of professionals depend on this astonishing part of our body. Beginning with the barbers and hair stylists, the range covers associated products like combs, hair clips, ribbons, shampoos, hair oils, creams, hair driers. A few years back, artificial hair for women was in fashion, heroines of the sixties exhibited these hair-dos.
Then there are the plaits that go well with school children – even today, when a not too young heroine has to play the role of a school girl, all she has to do is to have her hair in plaits. Plaits are out of fashion mainly because no one has enough time on her hands to weave the hair into intricate designs – moreover, the elderly women of the family who could devote sufficient time to her wards is no longer around. Hence, beauty parlors are the solutions and short, more manageable hair, the order of the day.
There are any number of products in the market that guarantee to put a stop to falling hair. There are also special oils priced in a range that only the moneyed ones can afford, and made of unheard of herbs to guarantee growth of luxurious hair on barren tops.
Tell me, has anyone come across a bald woman lately? Why do they not get bald?

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