Tuesday, December 2, 2014

UK families today spend more than they earn

From time immemorial we have herd phrases like ‘live within your means’ and ‘cut your coat according to your cloth’. When that does not happen, the family budget goes haywire and it finds it difficult to balance earning versus spending figures. Britain is experiencing such a situation.
As per a report latest reports, households in the UK that have a single source of income, have got into the habit of spending more than they earned last year.
This has been revealed by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) – it has been revealed that as per the Family Spending Report, households on an average spent £517.30 per week in 2013, a rise of more than £16 on the previous year when adjusted for inflation but below 2006 levels. The data for income in the period was £517 per person per week during the period. The major portion of the cost amounting to £74.40 per week went towards housing, fuel and power apart from transport. This throws their family budget out of control.
Moreover, people in general put a higher price on having a good time ahead of debt worries with recreation and culture being the third largest spending category, with an average £63.90. The heads in this category are TVs, computers, newspapers, books, leisure activities and package holidays.
Further breakdown provided by the ONS are - food and non-alcoholic drinks in 2013 was £58.80 - with £15.60 of this being spent on meat and fish, £4.30 on fresh vegetables and £3.30 on fresh fruit. The figures also showed around £22.60 is spent on clothing and footwear.

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