Monday, December 8, 2014

Safety of women in Delhi - Uber and all app-based services banned by Delhi Govt

Women are not safe in the capital of India and, in view of the latest incident of rape of a 25-year-old woman, a financial analyst, in a Uber cab by the driver, the Government of Delhi has taken a decision to ban all Uber cabs as well as al app-based cab services in the capital.
This decision appears to be one like cutting off the head to get rid of headache – the logic is: no head, no headache. Such a decision would mean that thousands of drivers will be out of work because Uber itself has nearly 3000 drivers on its roster.
After the tragic Nirbhaya case, it was expected that the administration as well as the police would be more alert and sensitive to issues related to women – at least in the capital. But, that has not apparently happened.
The Nirbhaya case had proved to be very costly for the then Congress government in Delhi due to its tardy response to the dastardly crime, hence, in this case, the BJP-led Union government does not want to take any chances. Accordingly, the lieutenant governor of Delhi has directed the transport department to ban Uber and all other app-based cab services.
As the facts emerge, it is revealed that Uber does not carry out any background checks themselves on the drivers in their roster and expected their partners and the Delhi Police to do the verification. Uber carries out the cab service without actually having any driver on its rolls. They operate through a network of drivers who possess valid licenses or operators who own cars.
It is not known why the police does not carry out random checks on vehicles and drivers of such vehicles and also whether they have serviceable GPS installed in the cabs. If random checks are carried out, it would not be difficult to weed out the ones who do not meet the minimum requirements.

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