Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Myths about healthy foods – sugar free chocolates may contain alternate additives

Thanks to experts talking on TV about how to maintain the best of health, there is a growing awareness among us to go in for healthy foods. But, healthy foods may not guarantee what you pine for.
An example is the sugar free chocolates. One can an entire bar under the impression that it is sugar free. However, the presumption that it would not affect your blood sugar levels may not be an accurate perception because ‘sugar free' does not necessarily mean carb, calorie or fat free.
It seems when manufacturers remove sugar, they usually go in for additives like fat to the product thereby making it higher in fat content than the product with sugar.
One can say that the sugar free market is booming because of our ignorance.
Similarly for brown bread – this has become a craze of sorts and many of modern day folks go in for brown breads over white breads believing it to be a smart eating choice. The fact of the matter is that the so called brown bread may not necessarily be made with whole wheat flour or whole grain but be made to look brown by adding caramel color to the dough to give it the brownish look. In other words, it is in reality white bread in disguise.
These are only a few examples and there are many more areas where we get taken for a ride because we succumb to the marketing tactics of the MNCs who can sell a refrigerator to an Eskimo.

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