Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Calais to open hostel to house 1500 migrants as temperatures fall below zero

Migrants keep arriving at Calais and they all want to move into Britain, hence Calais is the destination they prefer – from Calais to Dover is just a ferry journey away. The crowd waiting to enter Britain becomes unmanageable at times and results in a law and order problem.
Hence, considering the falling temperatures in the region the authorities have decided to open a vast new hostel for these cross-Channel migrants who nurture hopes to sneak into Britain by whatever means.
The hostel can accommodate up to 1500 migrants and is expected to be opened as temperatures are expected to plummet. Termed as the 'cold weather emergency center', it would be in a 40,000sq ft warehouse and would be fitted with beds and hot showers – it will be opened when temperatures fall below -5 centigrade.
At present nearly 2000 migrants are at Calais, the port in north France, and this hostel would be able to house nearly 1,500 of them so that they need not stay in the rough.
Incidentally, this hostel would be the first large-scale shelter for Calais migrants since the controversial Sangatte Red Cross hostel was bulldozed in 2002 – this had been in operation for six years and had been used for entry to Britain by an estimated 18,000 refugees.
Moreover, there are plans to open a separate day center that would offer hot food and showers to only the most vulnerable women, children and elderly migrants. But, the British government has criticized this move – it has argued that providing facilities like beds and showers for the illegal migrants will only encourage more of them to arrive at Calais and try to stow away aboard lorries and ferries to Dover.

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