Friday, December 5, 2014

China takes up renovation work on the 7-meter tall, 958-year old pagoda

China has finally begun work on renovation work of a 958-year-old pagoda in Yingxian County in north China's Shanxi Province which is heavily-damaged and leans northeast. Many sections of the pagoda's wood, which has rotted due to centuries of erosion, will also be repaired. The 67-metre-tall pagoda was built with brackets and sockets without nails.
This wooden pagoda is believed to be the oldest and tallest of its kind in the world. It took nearly two decade to take the decision. The work has been given a budget of USD 1.14 million and the renovation work is likely to be completed within 18 months.
In 2012, the pagoda had been put on a tentative list of sites applying for UNESCO World Heritage status.
The idea for the renovation had been initiated in 1989 but it was subject to lengthy reviews by professionals and authorities over the past several years and the decision has been taken only now. Experts understood that the condition of the tower was not good and it was on the brink of collapse – therefore, its restoration plan was finally approved by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage this year.
Incidentally, visitors were not allowed to climb to the second floor of the five-tier tower due to its poor condition.

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