There are two major varieties of grapes produced in Nashik and both are equally delicious. The abundance of supply has led to export houses being set up that have started sending grapes to foreign countries apart, of course, from consumption in the country itself. In Kolkata, the fruit stalls announce fresh arrivals of Nashik grapes and sell them at a premium.
The grapes identified for export must meet certain very strict criterion – like the size and, its sugar content. For size, the berries have to pass through a template test. The diameter of the berries must be larger than the diameter of the hole in the template. Those that fail the test are discarded and find their way into the local markets.
The black variety is converted to wine and the wineries in and around Nashik love to show off their wineries – there are guided tour of wineries as well as the grape crushing ceremonies where anyone can participate.
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Nice article 😄🙏🙏