Monday, January 12, 2015

Police believe that six more terror suspects are still lurking in Paris

#CharlieHebdo #ManuelValls #BenjaminNetanyahu In the opinion of the police, as many as six members of a terrorist cell that was involved in the Paris attacks on Charlie Hebdo could still be at large – one of these was a man who was seen driving a car that is registered to the widow of one of the gunmen.
The authorities were searching the Paris area for the Mini Cooper that is registered in the name of Hayat Boumeddiene, the widow of Amedy Coulibaly – the woman, as per Turkish officials, is presently in Syria.
These disclosures have been made even as France has deployed 10,000 troops to protect sensitive sites that take into account Jewish schools and neighborhoods. This has been done following the attacks that killed 17 people last week. Brothers Cherif and Said Kouachi, apart from Coulibaly, their friend who claimed ties to Islamic extremists in the Middle East, have been killed in clashes with police.
It is not clear on how many members there were in the terror cell. While one of the police officials indicated that the cell consisted of about 10 members, and that "five or six could still be at large" another official believes that the network consisted of about eight people, including Hayat Boumeddiene.
Prime Minister Manuel Valls has remarked that the manhunt is urgent because "the threat is still present." Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has gone to the Paris kosher grocery where four of the hostages were killed by the terrorists.

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