Monday, January 26, 2015

Do not ignore heartburn – it could be esophageal cancer

#esophagealcancer #stomachcancer #heartburn #obesity #health Public Health England has, through a health campaign, urged people not to ignore heartburn because, such signs could be associated to the onset of stomach or esophageal cancer. PHE has advised people to visit the doctors in case they experience persistent heartburn or have difficulty in swallowing food for three weeks or more - the symptoms could be of esophageal cancer.
Incidentally, stomach and esophageal cancers are the fifth most common cancers in England and the figures released by PHE reveal that nearly 12,900 people in England are diagnosed with these cancers every year and approximately 10,000 of them die from the diseases.
Right now, UK has the highest rate of esophageal cancer in both men and women in the EU – probable reasons for this could be smoking, rising obesity levels, a lack of fruit and vegetables in our diet apart from regular consumption of alcohol. In the opinion of PHE, the earlier these cancers are diagnosed, the better are the chances of recovery.
With this objective, the "Be Clear on Cancer" campaign of PHE is focusing on how to spot the signs of esophageal or stomach cancer and encourage everyone who have worrying symptoms to seek help of the doctor as early as possible.>br> Once the individual approaches the doctor, he would either get an assurance that it is not cancer, or if it really is, then the individual would have a better chance of successful treatment and, possible, survival.

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