Friday, November 14, 2014

14th November is Diabetes Day – diabetes is a killer disease

Diabetes has become a killer disease – it is believed to depend on the amount of sugar intake but that alone is not the reason for its rapid entry into our lives – it’s all the sordid outcome of the modern day lifestyles where physical exercise is practically non-existent.
Diabetes is basically a condition of the body when it is unable to generate enough insulin or the insulin does not work properly to convert to glucose. Glucose is vital for life because it is used as fuel for energy so that we can be active, work, play and generally live our lives.
The theme chosen for World Diabetes Day 2014 to 2016 is Healthy Living and Diabetes – it is self-explanatory. Diabetes has made huge strides into India and at about 65 million, India has the second highest number of diabetics in the world, after China. That is not good news and it is necessary for everybody to realize that the onset of diabetes means sliding into an abyss from where return is difficult.
The various options available in the market to act as an alternate to sugar go by many names and, Indians are prone to falling victims to this dreaded disease because of their sweet tooth. It may seem strange but in Kolkata there are shops that sell sweets made especially for those suffering from diabetes - and, the shopkeeper has a hard time to keep replenishing the stocks of sweets in the showcase.
For one who is afflicted by this, he has to suffer the agony of watching others munching the goodies that once were his favorites. He has to get his insulin injection before meals and has to obey hundreds of restrictions because deviation from the routine could aggravate his condition and result in a major health hazard.
Of course, glucose is essential to the body and, in case due to restrictions, the glucose level drops, that would mean more problem. Therefore, diabetics are known to carry with them tiny pouches of sugar which they have to take, if felt necessary.
A question that all diabetics ask is – what should I eat to keep my body in working condition. Well – the general advice of doctors is to forget about sweets in any form. It is suggested that one should avoid processed foods and go in for fruits and boiled vegetables – some examples are apples, asparagus, avocados, beans, broccoli, carrots, fish, garlic, melon, nuts, oatmeal, red onions, red bell peppers, spinach, tea, tomatoes, and yogurt.

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