Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Electric cars to combat greenhouse effect

Netherlands have gone about to tackle greenhouse gas effect and help towards a cleaner, cooler world by promoting electric cars in a very big way. In Rotterdam, a traffic-packed Dutch city, for example, electric cars jostle for space at charging stations. The oldest exhaust-spewing vehicles will soon be banned from the city center. This has been possible by generous tax incentives and the share of electric vehicles has grown faster in the Netherlands than in any other country in the world.
This has been reported in dated 26 November 2015.
It is a nation famous for its windmills and, electricity is coming from three new coal-fired power plants, including two on the Rotterdam harbor. These are supplying much of the power to fuel the Netherlands' electric-car boom.
The generous tax incentives have cut the cost of electric vehicles, and the high cost of petrol has also spurred more people to go in for electric cars, making the country second only to Norway in terms of percentage of electric vehicles on the road. In fact, four per cent of all cars sold in the Netherlands last year were electric.
While the focus of the world is to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions and combat climate change, policymakers have pinned hopes on electric cars, whose range and convenience are quickly improving. But, it is accompanied by a surging demand for power to charge the vehicles, which can consume as much electricity in a single charge as the average refrigerator does in a month and a half.
And here lies the dilemma.
Eliminating transportation-related emissions can help - but if pollution is simply shifted from the exhaust pipes of cars to the smokestacks of coal-fired power plants, which generate 40 per cent of the world's electricity, it does not help the cause.

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