Monday, November 30, 2015

Miracle in Bhavnagar - five species of vultures at one spot

It was a miracle of sorts when five different species of vultures were spotted feasting on carcasses near Mahuva in Bhavnagar. Wildlife conservationists are delighted at the extremely rare sighting. All the five species of the vultures belonged to critically species.
This has been reported in dated 1 December 2015.
There were 38 vultures in all and the location was a carcass dumping site on the outskirts of Chhapariyali village near Jesar village, some 130-Km from Bhavnagar.
In the opinion of experts, this is a historic event because nowhere earlier have five species of vultures been spotted together at one place.
The five species were white-rumped vulture, Indian vulture, Himalayan Griffon vulture, Eurasian Griffon vulture and Egyptian vulture. Thirty-eight birds are a very good number considering their declining status. Out of these, the whiterumped vulture and Indian vulture, are critically endangered species while the Himalayan Griffon is a winder visitor to Saurashtra.
Such a rare sighting is the biggest achievement of multiple efforts to arrest the rapid decline of vultures in India, especially in places near Bhavnagar.
As per the 2012 census, there were 1,043 vultures in Gujarat. Among these, 102 white-rumped vultures were seen mainly on Mahuva-Rajula-Neshree coastal stretch of Bhavnagar alone.

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