Thursday, March 19, 2015

Vampire crabs of Java are hardly one-inch across and popular pets

#vampirecrabs #java #dracula #geosesarma #crustaceans Yes, these exotic creatures are known as Vampire Crabs and these are found in Java. They have creepy claws and bright yellow eyes and are gradually becoming popular pets as reported in dated 18 March 2015.
In the opinion of experts two new species of the spooky crustaceans have been discovered – these are the Geosesarma dennerle and the Geosesarma hagen and they have been surviving in home aquariums for years. Their origin has been traced to the freshwaters of the rivers on the island of Java, Indonesia.
As revealed by Christian Lukhaup, a professional aquarist in Waiblingen, Germany, these vampire crabs have been around in the pet trade for ten years, but no one apparently knew where they come from. Incidentally, Christian Lukhaup is from Transylvania, the fabled home of Dracula.
It is not that such crabs were unknown but, while scientists have identified a number of vampire crab species before – so called because of their yellow eyes and sometimes purple bodies – the two new species now found are the most common pets. They are real small - measuring just one inch (3cm) across.
Geosesarma dennerle is purple in color with a cream patch on its back, while Geosesarma hagen has a bright orange shell and claws – these stand out against the rest of its dark body. This has been indicated in a study published in the Raffles Bulletin of Zoology.

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