Thursday, March 19, 2015

50th anniversary of spacewalk – credit goes to Russian cosmonaut Alexei Leonov

#AlexeiLeonov #spacewalk #PavelBelyayev #cosmonaut The fight to gain supremacy in the field of space flight between the USA and Russia is a long one and credit for the first ever spacewalk goes to a Russian cosmonaut Alexei Leonov – he performed the feat 50-years ago on 18th of March 1965. The spacewalk or EVA Extra Vehicular Activity was of 12 minutes duration. This has been revealed in dated 18 March 2015.
Alexei Leonov had left the confines of his spacecraft Voshkod 2 while it was in orbit and floated in the vacuum of space. He was with Pavel Belyayev onboard the former-Soviet Union's Voskhod 2. He accomplished the feat on the 14th piloted spaceflight in history.
It paved the road towards shaping the future of space exploration.
Leonov's EVA demonstrated that such a feat was possible and went on to inspire future spacewalks beginning with that of the first American Edward White three months later. Their success inspired humans to walk on the moon, build and maintain space stations and service satellites and space telescopes.

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