Saturday, January 10, 2015

SpaceX experiment with Falcon rocket soft landing fails

#SpaceX #Dragon #ElonMusk #Falcon9 The American SpaceX firm has revealed that its experiment with soft landing of its Falcon rocket on a floating sea platform was not successful. The vehicle was launched from Cape Canaveral in Florida on a mission to send a cargo capsule to the International Space Station.
However, once the first-stage of the rocket completed its part of this task, it tried to make a controlled return and hit the platform hard – this was confirmed by the company CEO Elon Musk via tweet.
SpaceX will keep trying in order to prove this type of capability because, it would be a method to reduce the costs dramatically because it would pave the way for normally disposable rockets to be recovered, refurbished and re-used. If successful it would mean tremendous savings in the cost of flights.
Moreover, it might also point to new ways of bringing spacecraft back down to Earth in general and change the way we look at space flight at present.
The present system is that rockets have an expendable architecture. Once airborne, they discard engines and empty propellant tanks to save the weight so that their upper-stage, including the satellite payload, can jump to orbit. The unwanted hardware is discarded and heads to Earth and disintegrates en-route and, hence, an expensive rocket is required for each launch – that is what SpaceX is aiming to do, to eliminate such wastages.

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