Thursday, December 11, 2014

Sit up and take notice – there are 268,000 tonnes of plastics floating in our Oceans

A recent study has discovered that there are nearly 5.25 trillion plastic particles weighing more than 268,000 tonnes floating on the world's oceans. The study was on marine plastic pollution and the findings have been published in PlosOne.
The data was collected over a six-year period by researchers from six different countries – the plastic density data was from 24 expeditions into the five main oceanic basins and various marginal seas.
The weight and count data was collected by trawling nets for microplastics and systematic visual sightings were used for the larger macroplastics. The plastics were grouped into four size classes that roughly correspond to (i) the sizes of a grain of sand, (ii) a grain of rice, (iii) a small water bottle and (iv) anything larger.
Obviously, the plastics found in the Oceans had entered from rivers, shipping lanes and densely populated coastlines. The effects of such microplastic in the Oceans is a major environmental catastrophe because these are not bio degradable and would continue to remain and have dangerous interactions with entire ocean ecosystems that would destroy the marine life.
This is and should be a matter of grave concern for all of us who inhabit the Earth.

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