Saturday, December 6, 2014

Man and wallet reunited after 18-years – contents of wallet undisturbed

Colin Mendoza, a British expat, had lost his leather wallet during a train ride across Switzerland. The leather wallet and passport have now been reunited – nearly two decades after they were lost. The best part that its contents were undisturbed even after 18-years. The wallet contained the passport and his long-expired credit cards, driving license, receipts and an identification card from an old job.
However, where the wallet had been all this time and how it was discovered remain a mystery that may never be solved.
Colin had lost the wallet while travelling by train from Zurich Airport to Geneva in 1996. It seems he had fallen asleep on the train and did not realize its loss until he was boarding a car in Geneva. He reported it missing to police and then went through the hassle of getting a new passport and cancelling and ordering new credit cards.
Colin now lives in the US state of Connecticut, and he had forgotten about the incident until he received a surprise email from a police officer in the tiny Swiss mountain town of Chur. The information Colin received was that someone had discovered the wallet on the floor of a shopping center in Chur which is more than four hours journey by train from Geneva and 90 minutes from Zurich.
The finder handed it over to the local police.
The police officer located him after a search online that revealed his LinkedIn profile – subsequently, the police tracked down Colin’s email address.

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