Saturday, December 6, 2014

How to relieve boredom

Boredom is a state of mind when one is tired of performing routine activities on a regular and repetitive basis – some like it, others do not. Those who do not usually suffer from the malaise known as boredom. And – there is no medicine in the market to remove boredom. Boredom is something that he only has brought upon himself and, therefore, he only has to find a solution.
Boredom can attack anyone – from the child in the nursery to the old man in retirement, no one is spared. Hence, each one has to work out the remedy that suits him best. The child can throw tantrums to draw attention to itself and the old man can yawn and shoo away imaginary flies hovering around his face.
I have seen bored people in serious in-house meetings – they doodle and, with one ear tuned to listen to what the bosses are talking about, they allow their creativeness to flourish on paper. At times they even share their creations with those nearby – that way, they do a yeomen service to them by making then grin and relax.
Another method to get rid of boredom is to take a walk – in the corridor, if at the workplace or in the garden or nearby roads. The change of scenery can do wonders.
The internet is chick full with links to removal of boredom and one is by a student – she has given a few thoughts of her own to tackle this difficult subject. Another one is at a more senior level and is more informative worth a look-in.

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