Wednesday, December 3, 2014

How to maintain good health – a few tips that could change your life

This is something that I have learnt through my personal experiences and that I follow even today – these have helped me in maintaining a relatively trouble free life that is, a life free from any recurring diseases.
My first tip is ‘water therapy’ – nothing to do with yoga in which one takes in water through one nostril and releases it through the other. I have left that to experts in yoga. My water therapy is simple enough. Anyone can do it. It involves drinking one glass of water on an empty stomach. Then use cold water to wash the face, behind the ears and the neck and also, the hands up to the elbows. Immediately you dry yourself, you will feel a surge of energy run through you. Water therapy is followed by garlic therapy – take two pods of garlic, remove the skin, chew them raw with a couple of salted biscuits, and wash them down with tea. Garlic has fantastic medicinal properties and is good for not just reducing cholesterol levels but also removes joint pains.
The next tip is the quantity of food you eat.
This is very important for maintaining good health because we always have a tendency to overeat and proof of that is in the innumerable number of digestive tablets, powders and liquids that have flooded the market. Such items are good for those who manufacture them, they allow a few models to show off their assets and also helps ad-agencies to make money but is bad for you.
Incidentally, when I was in service, I use to take my lunch in the executive canteen. The food would be kept on the table in casseroles and one could have his full without any eyebrows being raised. Well – I had seen one gentleman who loved to eat. He would keep eating even when others had left. Unfortunately, he has passed away before retirement.
Always eat in moderation and never succumb to desire - check the impulse and control the urge, even if the items on offer are tempting.
Another tip is to eat fruits every night – that is a rule I have been following for years. Seasonal fruits after dinner is always good for health. It need not necessarily be ‘an apple a day’ to keep the doctors away but any fruit will do. And the most important tip is to avoid temptation. Once you can conquer that, you would have won a major battle.

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