Thursday, December 11, 2014

Gift a drone this Christmas – they come for less than £50

The latest fad this Christmas appears to be to gift a drone - for less than £50, battery-powered drones with four motors are available and they will perform your commands. Spend a bit more and the drone will hover perfectly still, then loop the loop and keep sending back quality video of the surroundings and the landscape below.
Obviously, these machines have great appeal and are great fun to play with. The electronics shops have lined up these strangely-shaped flying machines. These remote-controlled devices, officially described as ‘multi-copters’ or ‘unmanned aerial vehicles’, are usually known by a much more recognizable name: drones.
Till recently, drones were the exclusive purview of the military – but, gradually, civilian applications have been introduced like delivering pizzas and books by drones.
Many kids will love this present but, if not handled properly, it could lead to an accident or, even help a terrorist to launch a deadly attack. Already, there was a near miss near Heathrow airport when a drone narrowly missed an aircraft in flight.

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