Thursday, December 4, 2014

Eat less, live more

Small is good as far as food is concerned. Eat less to live long is what the experts are preaching. They have their reasons. In today’s life, our health is more likely to be at risk from an overabundance of food than a shortage of it.
It is a paradox that globally, thrice as many people die of illnesses related to obesity than do of starvation. Hence, smaller plates of food is the cue to a longer life.
If we study the situation, we will find that humans today do not live as our prehistoric people lived. While we go in for sedentary lives in front of computer screens, our ancestors hunted game and gathered wild fruits. That is how they remained active and were always bursting with energy.
Moreover, in today’s world, food is readily available and nearly all of us eat three square meals a day, every day. However, in the ancient prehistoric times, our ancestors would have been used to a cycle of feast and famine because there was no guarantee of meals at all times. They would probably have been used to a 5:2 diet – or people were allowed to eat for five days a week. This acted as a check for their caloric intake on the other two.
Incidentally, there is a clear link between obesity and cancer. The blood-vessel damage caused by obesity and diabetes goes on to affect the veins in the brain as well as the body, this puts one at the risk of dementia.

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