Saturday, December 13, 2014

Boxing can help those with Parkinson’s disease

A general belief exists that Parkinson’s disease attacks those who are in their 80s and 90s but, here is the case of a 55-year-old man diagnosed with this dreaded disease. He is Larry Kahn of Georgia, a lawyer by profession and a novelist by design.
He believed that his future was doomed when the doctors diagnosed him with Parkinson’s disease five years ago and, after he and his wife tried boxing, he once again found himself in control and ready to combat the disease. This disease has no known cure.
In order to spread his message, he and his wife of 29 years Kahn began a nonprofit organization called Parkinson’s Disease Gladiators – the members meet thrice every week for non-contact boxing classes and workouts.
This disease is a progressive neurological disorder that attacks nerve cells in the brain and the patient suffer from symptoms like tremors, slowed movement, rigidity and balance problems. It can possibly be treated because there are treatment options, but no cure.
As per recommendations of the National Parkinson Foundation, vigorous exercise can help to slow down the disease and lesson symptoms.
Larry Kahn keeps track of his progress through physical symptoms in a diary in a spread sheet and his observation is that the symptoms are improving.
The couple conducts their classes together and works out with PD Gladiators at Delgado’s Boxing Gym in Sandy Springs.

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