Friday, December 5, 2014

45-year-old woman of Paraguay burnt alive for practicing witchcraft

Reports have come out of the terrible death of a 45-year-old woman of Paraguay who was apparently practicing witchcraft. It seems members of the Mbya Guarani ethnic group tied the woman to a wooden pole and shot arrows at her before they burned her alive.
The woman had been sentenced to death last week by the community's chief in Tahehyi, a village some 180 miles (290 kilometers) north of the capital, Asuncion.
The exact of the killing was not very clear but nine men in the village have been charged with first-degree murder, and they have already acknowledged killing the woman.
Incidentally, a report by the UN Refugee Agency estimates that thousands of people worldwide are accused of being witches every year and are often abused, cast out of their families and communities and, at times, pay for it with their lives.
Recently in October-2014, a woman in India was killed by relatives who suspected her of practicing witchcraft. The woman was stripped, beaten and tortured for hours by her brother-in-law and several other family members. She had been accused of making his son ill by practicing witchcraft on him.

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