Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Big game hunters can pay £15,000 a time and shoot saltwater crocodiles in Australia

Big game hunters can have a great time in Australia shooting saltwater crocodiles by paying £15,000 - to bag a trophy reptile. They could be setting their sights on the crocs in Australia's tropical northern territories by the end of the year.
This has been reported in dated 23 June 2015.
The government feels that launching crocodile safaris in the north would bring in a much-needed revenue boost for Aboriginal communities. Accordingly, the announcement has been made in spite of fierce objection from the country's conservationists.
It may be recalled that this so-called 'trophy hunts' had been rejected early last year. The environment minister had branded them as inappropriate and added that they risk 'cruel and inhuman' behavior. However, all ministers do not think the same because such safaris would be a boost for the indigenous communities that live in the region.
Indigenous affairs minister Nigel Scullion argued that Aboriginal communities should be given the option of selling permits to shoot a small number of crocodiles.
Incidentally, the population of saltwater crocodiles is on the rise in the Northern Territory since they were declared a protected species and, by allowing hunting, the annual cull will give an economic boost to the Aboriginal communities.
(Image courtesy

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